Posting blog content is a great way to engage with your audience, but it can be difficult to drive traffic away from social media posts and to your blogs. In a time when the attention span of the average social media user is relatively short, it might seem like there is no demand for long-form content.

However, your blogs can still get engagement from older users, as well as younger users who like to read about specific topics that interest them. When it comes to blog engagement, it’s simply a matter of finding your audience, and by using these tactics, we hope you’ll see more of that audience begin to engage with your blog content.

Tease Blog Content in Captions

One easy way to spark interest in your blogs is to tease blog content in captions for related posts on other social media platforms. This can be on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; whatever site you’re using, this method will likely have an effect on your audience. Even if they don’t immediately click on your blog, seeing a glimpse of what might be offered on it in a caption, will at the very least let them know that you have a blog. If you continue posting content that teases your blog content in the caption, returning followers may head to your blog out of curiosity, and new followers will want to check it out as well.

Tailor your captions to fit your own personal brand, and to the type of blogs, you are posting. If your blog is more personal, make the caption more personal. Keep in mind as well that you don’t want to tell your audience exactly what is in your blog, rather give them enough to pique their interest, but not enough that they don’t need to read your blog.

Use a Link-In Bio Tool to Create More Traffic

This particular tip is specifically in regards to Instagram, if you are promoting your blog as a whole or a specific blog post on a popular social media site, you likely know that you can’t post a link to the blog in a caption as you can with other platforms like Facebook. However, you can still link your blog in an easy way for your audience to find.

This can be done by simply going to your profile, clicking on ‘Edit Profile’, and using the link-in-bio tool to add a link to your blog, or to a specific post. Not only is it easy to do, but it’s much easier for your followers to interact with your blog, as it will be the first thing they see in your bio when they click on your profile.

Share Your Blog Posts in Stories

If you’ve been on either Facebook or Instagram for a while, you likely already know about Stories, the fairly new feature that allows users to create a short video or photographic content that they post to their profile for a limited amount of time (twenty-four hours, though you can save stories to your profile on Instagram so that they don’t disappear). Posting one is simple, and by sharing your blog post in a Story, you will likely reach a wider audience.

Whereas a traditional post can get lost in the shuffle of the feed, when you post a Story, it appears at the very top of the feed alongside your profile picture. This allows your followers to easily find out about your blog, and hopefully, will lead them to further engage with it not only in that moment but in the future as well.

Transforming Blog Content Into Video Content on LinkedIn

Video content is becoming increasingly popular online, in order to keep up with this ever-growing genre of content, it is important to adapt your blog posts accordingly. When it comes to professional blogs, it is always a good idea to post them dually on your own website and on LinkedIn, but in order to drive more engagement, creating a video in relation to your blog is something that will make you stand out from the crowd and drive more clicks to your blog.

The actual content of the videos you make will obviously differ based on the content of your blog, but it is always a good idea to keep them short and engaging, with a strong hook, as people decide whether or not to watch a video in the first three seconds of viewing it.

Blog content can be tricky these days, with the new generations becoming more and more interested in short-form, video content. It may seem as though writing blogs and getting your followers to actually read them is a lost cause, but it isn’t. There is still a demand for long-form written content. If you continue writing and working to improve your blog, you will find that there is an audience that will click on your blogs, it’s only a matter of driving their engagement from other social media sites to your blog. We hope that these tips help you do just that and that your blog continues to grow with your audience.