What you need to know about Facebook in 2021
Hate it or love it, Facebook is still one of the best ways to reach your target audience. Their combined platforms currently have 2.8 billion monthly active users, and 1.84 billion (with a “B”!) people who visit the social network every single day. With that said,...
What’s this Clubhouse App everyone’s talking about?
You might have heard of an invite-only app garnering a $100m valuation with only 1,500 users. No this is not a prank, and yes those numbers are real. That app is Clubhouse, a new way of learning, bonding, and interacting with well…strangers! Unlike other social...
4 things that you can learn from Kylie Jenner about social media
Before you roll your eyes, you might have more to learn from the 23-year-old social media icon than you might think. Taking the title of “youngest self-made billionaire” from Mark Zuckerberg, Kylie Jenner has made Time Magazine’s list of “most influential” teens and...
Are infographics in or out?
It’s not a secret that visual marketing content works. That is one of the many reasons why video is in such high demand by consumers and why memes have taken over social media. But what about the infographic? Have video and other creative visual forms knocked the...
The 1 thing you need to make your content stick
There is a lot of content flying around, but how do you get your content to land… and stick? Like a medal-winning Simone Biles kind of landing that makes the audience react and feel something. When you sit down to create your next piece of content, how will you make sure that it reaches your audience and sticks? No matter what you do, having the right angle will make all of the difference and help you create content that your audience will want to share.